Right after the GA there was no time for me to relax. The LinuxTag 2009 in Berlin started right after it. As every year FSFE was present with an own booth and answered many questions by interested visitors. Some people even became Fellows right at the booth and some that were already fellows expressed their… Continue reading Linux Tag 2009
Author: Torsten
Report from FSFE's general assembly
In May, I was elected the first Fellowship representative. In this function I attended FSFE’s general assembly (GA) in Miraflores de la Sierra and would now like to give you some insights in what happened there. The first and probably most important point is personnel changes. This time there were unusually many. A whole new… Continue reading Report from FSFE's general assembly
Traveling to the General Assembly in Madrid
Tomorrow, I’ll leave for Madrid in order to attend FSFE’s general assembly as the first Fellowship representative. Unfortunately, there haven’t been much feedback from the fellows, so I’m not taking many questions or tasks with me to Madrid. The agenda of the GA will include many personnel changes, one small change of the constitution and… Continue reading Traveling to the General Assembly in Madrid
I won the GA election
Today, I was notified that I won the general assembly elections. This came quite as a surprise, but I am glad the election worked out that well for me. I would like to thank everyone who voted for me or gave me a high ranking. I also would like to thank the other candidates for… Continue reading I won the GA election
Microsoft denies certain countries access to its messenger
My recent blog entries were about Skype and about how companies might eventually abuse the power they have over some of our technology. Many of my arguments against Skype also apply to Microsoft’s instant messenger. Now Microsoft gave one more example that this abuse actually happens. Ars technica writes: Microsoft this week decided to turn… Continue reading Microsoft denies certain countries access to its messenger
Brave New Skyping World Revisited
A vigilant reader of my blog challenged my earlier criticism of Skype thoroughly and even though I felt his remarks could have been tempered a bit, here is my thoughtful response. I am very thankful for all of the comments I receive and encourage more people to express their opinions here. It is only when… Continue reading Brave New Skyping World Revisited
Zensurprovider verlassen – aber wie?
Die Petition gegen die Indizierung und Sperrung von Internetseiten hat soeben in Rekordzeit die kritische Marke von 50.000 Zeichnern und Zeichnerinnen genommen. Die Petition und die bisherige Debatte im Netz hat gezeigt, dass sehr viele Menschen ein Problem mit den Plänen der Bundesregierung haben. Für dieses Vorhaben müssen die Zensurprovider vermutlich ihre AGB ändern, um… Continue reading Zensurprovider verlassen – aber wie?
Ten Reasons Why You Should Boycott Skype
If you want to understand what Skype actually is, it might help to picture an almighty telephone and mail company. This company can not only spy on your private conversations and has total control over them, but it also forces you to use it. It owns the telephone lines and all mail transportation and does… Continue reading Ten Reasons Why You Should Boycott Skype
Dokumentarkurzfilm über Potsdamer Freifunk-Community
Wer noch nichts von Freifunk gehört hat oder sich für freie Communities interessiert, der sollte sich diese sieben minütige Dokumenation von Alexander Altmann über die Potsdamer Freifunk-Community anschauen. Die Vision eines überall verfügbaren und freien Internetzugangs verdient Unterstützung und wird hoffentlich eines Tages verwirklicht werden können.
Facebook’s outragous Terms of Use
Many of us knew already that Facebook’s Terms of Use are unacceptable and that nobody should ever use Facebook, but work on a free (as in free speech) alternative to Facebook. A couple of weeks ago, Facebook changed their Terms of Use again without notifying its users. It basically grants itself an “irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive,… Continue reading Facebook’s outragous Terms of Use