Briar – Next Step of The Crypto Messenger Evolution

Update: Há uma versão em português. Who still remembers ICQ, AIM and MSN? My first messenger was ICQ and I liked the fact that it was instant. In those days, I didn’t think much about security and was probably too young anyway. We can count ourselves lucky if those tools even used transport encryption. This… Continue reading Briar – Next Step of The Crypto Messenger Evolution

XMPP Interview und Document Freedom Award

Wie Matthias scheibt, hat dieses Jahr die 1&1 Internet AG den deutschen Document Freedom Award erhalten, weil sie für alle E-Mail-Kundinnen auch automatisch einen XMPP-Account bereitstellen. Der Document Freedom Day in Deutschland stand also ganz unter dem Motto I’M the World! Ich habe kurz vorher dem Deutschlandradio Wissen ein Interview (leider nur mp3) gegeben und… Continue reading XMPP Interview und Document Freedom Award

Microsoft denies certain countries access to its messenger

My recent blog entries were about Skype and about how companies might eventually abuse the power they have over some of our technology. Many of my arguments against Skype also apply to Microsoft’s instant messenger. Now Microsoft gave one more example that this abuse actually happens. Ars technica writes: Microsoft this week decided to turn… Continue reading Microsoft denies certain countries access to its messenger

ICQ Locks Out Users

As of today, users with old or non-official ICQ Clients are no longer able to log into the ICQ Network. They received no prior notice and just get the message that their client is too old. The reason for this is still not known, but it has been speculated that it is due to ICQ… Continue reading ICQ Locks Out Users