Google has started to track Android developers that run instrumentation tests sending all sorts of data about you and your device to Google Analytics. The opt-out solution they give is to add these options to the adb
adb shell am instrument -e disableAnalytics true
However, this is not how I typically run my tests. A more convinient and permanent solution is to add the following to your build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments disableAnalytics: 'true'
That’s it. Now the opt-out should work.
I could not find the code of androidx.test.internal.runner.tracker.AnalyticsBasedUsageTracker online, but in case you are interested here’s what they send:
new StringBuilder()
.append(encode(targetPackage, UTF_8))
.append(encode(trackingId, UTF_8))
.append("&v=1") // Protocol Version.
.append("&z=") // Cache Buster (optional)
.append(encode(userId, UTF_8))
.append(encode(screenResolution, UTF_8))
.append(encode(apiLevel, UTF_8))
.append(encode(model, UTF_8))
.append("&t=appview") // Hit type
.append("&sc=start") // Session Control